Amateur poetry contest open

| 29 Sep 2011 | 11:54

    Sparta — A $1,000 grand prize is being offered in a new free poetry contest sponsored by Celestial Arts, free to all entrants. A total of $75,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded during the coming year. “Even if you have never entered a competition before, this is your opportunity to win big,” says Michael Thomas, poetry editor. “Even if you have written only one poem it deserves to be read and appreciated. Beginners are especially welcome!” To enter, send one poem of 21 lines or less to Celestial Arts, P.O. Box 21, Talent, OR 97540. Entries may also be completed online at Deadline for entering is June 30. Entrants may include a stamped addressed envelope for a winners list or view online where winners will be posted at contest end.