Enjoy the creativity of local artists
West Milford. The Friends of Wallisch Homestead are preparing their seventh annual Wallisch Homestead Original Art (WHOA!) show and sale.

Friends of Wallisch Homestead are preparing their seventh annual Wallisch Homestead Original Art (WHOA!) show and sale.
Come and join them at 65 Lincoln Ave., West Milford, to celebrate their biggest show ever. They will display art in the barn beginning with a private Meet The Artist reception for card-carrying FOWH members only on Saturday, May 21, from 6 to 8 p.m. Memberships are currently available online at the Friends of Wallisch Homestead website.
The show will be open to the general public on Saturday, May 22, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Sunday, May 23, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Wallisch Homestead Events Committee has been working diligently to prepare for the continuation of the popular Art Show and sale. Planning began after hosting a successful virtual art show last year brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The now normal mandatory masks, social distancing, temperature checks and contact tracing sign in will be vigorously employed along with limited occupancy, making hand sanitizer available, tents available for an outdoor queue and a timed viewing duration.
“With our 2020 Virtual show and the precautions we have instituted we are able to keep an unbroken run of seven years running,” said events committee chair John Hefferon.
Proceeds of the weekend will go to continued projects toward the adaptive reuse of the property, a keystone of the groups mission statement. The group is proud to showcase the completion of the renovation of the Great Stone Barn’s concrete floor. Removal of the feed drainage troughs have made the space much safer and multifunctional which also aligns with their goal of ultimate self-sustainability.
Many of the art pieces will be for sale. If you are looking for something to cherish forever, this is your chance to pick up an original. That’s right – not a print – an original.
They will have works of art including acrylics, drawings, oils, pastels, watercolors, mixed media, sculptures and photographs.
A portion of your purchase will be dedicated to the continued restoration of the property.
While the exhibit is free, donations are graciously accepted.
Volunteer members will be on site through the event if you would like more information to join, become a volunteer or find out what else instore this season.
Besides enjoying the creativity of local artists, you can also experience the beautiful grounds of the homestead and learn more of some local history. Come see the thriving Community Garden, the unique masonry and construction of the Old Stone Barn, the Creamery and the Wallisch House, built in the early 1800’s.
Also check www.wallischhomestead.org.
The Friends also are planning to bring back several popular events:
The Barn Sale (April 16-18 and Aug. 13-15); and
Music Fest (Sept. 18)
There are also plans afoot for stargazing, Workout Wednesdays yoga classes and hopefully, new this season, acornhole tournament in the fall.
Friends of Wallisch Homestead is a 501(c)(3) and proceeds benefit the Wallisch General Renovation fund for future projects to preserve and protect the Homestead and for the adaptive reuse of the property and its outlying buildings.
For further information, contact Chairman John Hefferon at 973 907-6021 or visit wallischhomestead.org.