Champions redux
West Milford. WMHS Highlander Band wins at national competition.

The West Milford High School Highlander Marching Band won first place for Division IIIA in the USBands Nationals Marching Band Competition in Allentown, Pa., on Saturday, Nov. 6.
This is the third time in the band’s history that its members have been able to achieve the honor of earning the prestigious title of “National Champions.” The previous two national competition wins for the Highlanders were in 2018 and 2010.
On the heels of their first place wins at the 2021 USBands Yamaha Cup and N.J. State Championship competitions, the WMHS Marching band’s continued hard work and dedication definitely paid off for the band students and staff this year. Their marching precision, masterful musicianship and stellar, exciting performance of their 2021 Field Show “Ring of Fire” at the Nationals Competition, earned them an amazing score of 94.8 - the highest score awarded by the judges for the entire day, with more than 50 other bands competing.
The Highlanders also brought home the Caption Awards for “Best Overall Effect,” “Best Visual” and “Best Music” for their Division, Group IIIA.
Celebrate with the Highlander Band and Friends
The award-winning Highlander Marching Band will present their awards with hometown pride to the West Milford Community at the Band’s final show of the season - the “21st Annual Military Concert and Tattoo.” Honoring Police Officers this year, the Tattoo Concert will be held this Saturday, Nov. 13, at the WMHS Gymnasium, 67 Highlander Drive, West Milford.
Featuring an exciting and entertaining lineup of special performances by various long-time favorite Pipes and Drums Bands, the Clifton HS High-Stepping Marching Mustangs and the WMHS Marching, Color Guard, Brass, Pipes and Drums, and Pit Percussion Ensembles, the Tattoo Concert is the band’s biggest fund raiser of the year. Proceeds from ticket sales, food, drink and candy concessions and Highlander Pride merchandise available to purchase at the event, will help offset costs for the students for their Spring 2022 Performance Tour trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., this April.
Tickets are available to purchase at the door. Doors open at 5:15 p.m., and the show begins at 6:30 p.m.
For more information, visit
Questions? Contact Annette O’Mahoney at (973) 715-7666 or email
- Patricia Keller