WEST MILFORD The success of Broadway in the Highlands VIII, a yearly variety show sponsored by the West Milford Lions Club, allowed the club to contribute some of its proceeds to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This cause has become one of the newest charities adopted by the club due to Matthew Corsaros diagnosis. Matthew is family to the West Milford Lions: son of the magician and master of ceremonies of the show and grandson of Lou and Barbara Corsaro, president and Amblyopia Chairperson respectively. Matthew, now 2, was diagnosed with the illness at 16 months and has become the poster child for the club and District 16A in its part to raise awareness and find a cure for juvenile diabetes.
The Miracle for Matthew team was created to participate in the walkathon at Liberty State Park and has become an important vehicle to raise funds and awareness for the cure of juvenile diabetes. The total amount raised was about $14,000 for the "Miracle for Matthew" Team. The total amount raised from the walkathon on Oct. 22, 2011 was over $76,000; $5,000 from District 16A and the West Milford Lions Club.
The West Milford Club can now add at least another $1,000 to that total from the proceeds of the Broadway in the Highlands VIII. At the show, David Corsaro introduced Matthew to the audience, putting a face to the donations. He commented about all the great work the West Milford Lions Club and District 16A,with the support of District Governor Mike Pacala, has done and on the support and education they've provided about juvenile diabetes.
The Lions thanked all who participated on and contributed to this event, especially those who came to the show or advertised in their journal.
"West Milford residents and businesses have once again helped the Lions Club continue its charitable work," the group said in its release.