Out and About and Together Again
Zoom. The Paper Bag Players return to SUNY Orange via Zoom on Jan. 31.

For all you longtime and soon-to-be fans, the Paper Bag Players have created a new, lively show full of imagination and inspiration.
Since they can’t come to us live onstage indoors, they have produced a performance outdoors which we can view virtually.
However, don’t think you will be sitting throughout the show. With sing-along songs, freewheeling dances, paper and cardboard props and costumes and a guided draw-your-own-picture craft segment, lots of movement and interaction will keep us on track for an entertaining afternoon of family fun.
“Out and About and Together Again” is free and open to the public, and presented twice on Sunday, Jan. 31. Registration is required with different links for the two times. Please sign up for one performance only.
2pm ~ https://sunyorange.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f4oiaV7ASgGTYol0lu0ryQ
3pm ~ https://sunyorange.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OPmrGYgBSvK5oFAHQm6kDQ
Upon registering, you will receive the Children‛s Study & Activities Guide.
The outdoor adventures include a dancing bear doorman, bumbling Bob the Slob who makes a big mess, a join-in-the-fun song and dance called The Paper Bag Rag, a surprising drawing that you make as we follow along and the premiere of Anywhere Chair, a hand-drawn animated story about a lovable chair.
The journey concludes with Your Friend Is My Friend, a rollicking song and dance for larger-than-life figures, proving that “any friend of yours is a friend of mine.”
Written and conceptualized by composer and music director John Stone and Equity actor and veteran cast member Kevin Richard Woodall, the many skits in the show are designed to engage children and their relatives and friends. Actresses Jada Bennet, Rebecca Rand and Nicole Delsack round out the cast while scenic artist Jonathan Peck demonstrates the basic drawing for children’s participation.
This wonderful show is presented to you by Cultural Affairs at SUNY Orange. Questions may be directed to cultural@sunyorange.edu