WARWICK The Warwick Valley Quilters Guild will hold its biennial quilt show, Stars of the Valley, on Saturday and Sunday, May 19 and 20, at the Sanfordville Elementary School, located at 144 Sanfordville Road in Warwick.
This year the Guild will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary at the show.
The guilds boutique area will include a supply of antique quilts for sale from the collection of Phyllis Klein, the guilds founder. The raffle quilt proceeds fund the Phyllis Klein Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships to high school graduates who are planning a career in fiber arts. In addition, scholarships also are awarded to teachers at local schools who are teaching fabric arts at the high school level.
In addition to the judged quilts on display, the show will include a merchant mall, special exhibits, free quilt lectures featuring Anna Faustino on Saturday and Pat Yamin on Sunday, door prizes, a quilters café, raffle prizes including the first-place prize of the quilt, Once Upon a Meadow, which was designed by guild member Bonnie Seufert who is also the featured WVQG quilter.
The quilt show opens each day at 10 a.m. Admission is $8 per day or $12 for two days. Children under 12 are free. For additional information, please visit www.vwqg.org.