LAFAYETTE-Julia Duane Quinlan will sign copies of her book, My Joy, My Sorrow, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Olde Village Book Cellar. My Joy, My Sorrow is a poignant, spiritual memoir, in which Quinlan recalls not only her daughter Karen Ann's life and long death, but also her own ordinary beginnings that helped form a deep inner faith and strong moral compass. Ultimately, the book is a chronicle of her joy and sorrow, and how she used the tragedy of her daughter's life to change the lives of many others by crusading for hospice care for the dying and their families. Olde Village Book Cellar is located in Olde Lafayette Village, just north of the intersection of Routes 15 and 94. For more information, call 973-383-0040.