Stefani M.C. Janelli interviews local musician Dani Zanoni after the release of her debut EP, “20 Something.”
Question: What initially inspired you to sing?
Answer: I’ve been singing since I was little and always had a love for it. But I think the most definitive moment for me was watching the first season of “American Idol” and watching Kelly Clarkson win. I just remember thinking to myself, “Wow, yeah I want to do that.” ... I was 5.
Q: Throughout middle and high school you were an active member of the Highlander choir. How do you feel that experience shaped you musically?
A: Being a part of the choir during my time at WMHS was huge in my vocal development and exploration. I have so much thanks and gratitude to give to my choir director, Doug Heyburn, especially for always being an encouraging mentor in my music journey.
Q: Do you have a favorite choir memory?
A: Oh, there were definitely a few between performing at Carnegie Hall, choir competitions, showcases and trips ... but one of my favorites was singing with the Bernard Purdie trio my senior year. I was lucky enough to take the lead solo on “Climbing Higher Mountains” (Aretha Franklin), and it was just a really incredible moment and opportunity.
Q: When did you begin writing your own music?
A: I’ve been songwriting since my “dear diary” days back in elementary school, but I started putting full songs together when my parents gifted me my first guitar on my 17th birthday.
Q: You began recording and releasing music in 2017 with the release of your debut single, “Facing Reality.” This month, you released your debut EP, “20 Something.” It’s an incredibly cohesive five-track project with strong vocals and impressive lyricism. What inspired you to begin to write this record?
A: Well, thank you. I’ve had a lot of those songs written for over a few years now, and I just felt it was time they all had their moment. I was ready to dive into an even more vulnerable place in my songwriting and share that with the world. This EP release was something I needed for myself and my healing journey as well as something I hoped that others who might be going through similar experiences could connect with as well.
Q: How do you feel your songwriting has evolved from that single in 2017?
A: I feel like my songwriting is always developing. I learn more with every new song I write, developing more skills as I go, and finding inspiration from all the incredible artists and music that’s already out there. I write mainly from personal experiences so as I’ve grown as a person, I feel like my songwriting has grown along with me.
Q: How would you describe “20 Something”?
A: “20 Something” is about going and growing through your 20s. Losing yourself and starting to find yourself again. It has a lot to do with my experiences with anxiety and learning how to navigate through that.
Q: What was your favorite part about crafting this EP?
A: The whole process of this EP was like a long therapy session. Ha ha. My producer, Julien Renvoise (who lives in Montreal, Canada) and I really took our time making every song the best that it could be. Each song had a story to tell, and it was really exciting crafting the full production of each of them.
Q: Has growing up in West Milford affected your songwriting?
A: In some ways, absolutely. Growing up in West Milford, I had unique experiences that were specific to the town and what I’ve made of my life so far here. So my songwriting has definitely found inspiration through that, even though it may not be recognized so obviously in my lyrics.
Q: You’ve been gigging around town and the rest of the tri-state area solo, as a duo in DnA, and in a band, Dani Zanoni & Co. What is your favorite part about performing in different arrangements?
A: I love the intimacy of solo gigs, and I find myself able to focus more on my original music in that setting. The duo and band add another level of musicality, and we focus more on cover songs but will throw in my originals as well. The groups consist of Guitar and Keys by Alex Kerssen (also a WMHS Alum), whom I’ve been grateful to be performing with for almost a whole decade now, and most recently joined drummer Eric Darnstead (another WMHS Alum), and bassist Brendon Gardner to make the full band, and that has been so exciting. Playing in all of these different arrangements really opens up so many more opportunities for live performance, and it’s been great. I’m so thankful for these guys!
Q: Did you collaborate with any of your band members on “20 Something“ or was the process more individual?
A: The EP recording and writing process itself had been strictly mine and my team’s through my producer Julien’s collaboration. But as far as live performance, the band has really helped to make the EP songs, and my originals in general, come to life on stage, modifying some of the arrangements to make the songs the strongest they can be live.
Q: Aside from the new release, do you have anything else exciting coming up?
A: Lots of fun gigs coming up, so be sure to check out my schedule on Bandsintown or my website, danizanoni.com. I’ll be taking some time to work on more songwriting, and there are a few other upcoming projects to be announced as well, so keep following along for updates! I am booking lessons as a vocal coach, so if you’re interested, please send an email to danizanonimusic@gmail.com. If you are a venue looking to hire live music, please use that email to inquire as well.