Christmas in the Village is today in Jefferson
JEFFERSON. Also, the first Jefferson Winter Stroll event is planned from 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Camp Jefferson.

The 17th annual Christmas in the Village will be Saturday, Dec. 2 in Jefferson.
Everything is free except a pancake breakfast and sales of Christmas trees.
Organized by the Jefferson Arts Committee, the event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes live entertainment throughout the day at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 153 Milton Road, and at the Milton United Methodist Church, 316 Dover-Milton Road .
There will be a vendor fair and refreshments in the St. Gabriel’s church hall.
Food will be available and the annual Gingerbread House Wonderland will be on display in Headley Hall at the Milton United Methodist Church.
The Christmas in the Village Marketplace featuring 18 arts, crafts and merchandise vendors will be in the Jefferson Township Fire Department firehouse, 162 Milton Road, along with more performances and demonstrations.
Costumed docent-led tours of the Jefferson Township Museum, 315 Dover-Milton Road, decorated in the theme of “Christmas in the Forest,” will be hosted by the Jefferson Township Historical Society.
The museum and Miss Elizabeth’s Shoppe there also will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3.
The Jefferson Township Recreation Department and the Economic Development Committee will host the first Jefferson Winter Stroll event from 4 to 9 p.m. Dec. 2 and Dec. 3 at Camp Jefferson, 81 Weldon Road.
Children may pick up their Jefferson Winter Stroll Passport at the Jefferson Arts Committee’s information/50-50 raffle table in the firehouse or at the Gingerbread House Wonderland in Headley Hall. Bring it to Winter Stroll and have it stamped at each activity station for a special gift.
Admission to all Christmas in the Village venues is free.
There will be free parking at all venues where available plus free shuttle buses leaving from parking lots at the Jefferson Township Senior Center, 54 Schoolhouse Road; American Legion Post 423, 28 Legion Road; and Jefferson Township Middle School, 1000 Weldon Road, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For information, go online to, send email to or call 973-697-3828.
The Milton First Aid Squad, 45 Milton Road, will host an Olaf & Friends pancake breakfast. No reservations necessary; pay at the door.
American Legion Post 423, 28 Legion Road, will be selling fresh cut Christmas trees.
The Jefferson Township Public Library in the municipal complex, 1031 Weldon Road, will offer drop-in crafts throughout the day.
The Jefferson Community Players will perform “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 in the Jefferson Township Senior Center, 54 Schoolhouse Road, with an encore performance at 2 p.m. Dec. 3. Free admission and parking for both shows.
At the Jefferson Winter Stroll, visitors may ride the Jefferson Polar Express (bus shuttle service), stroll through Main Street and 34th Street, visit the winter shoppes, see thousands of lights, listen to the music, stroll through a wintry wonderland, adopt a pet, enjoy the food truck offerings, visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, enjoy marshmallows by the fire, play reindeer games and more. Free admission.
For information about the Winter Stroll event and its shuttle bus schedule, send email to or call 973-668-8241.