A dancing career sets sail

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:32

West Milford’s Giulia Griffith takes a big step in her dream career, By Ginny Raue West Milford — Who knew when they watched little Giulia Griffith bounce around in her playpen where all that energy and agility would lead. She was always on the move. Now 19, Griffith is on the move again but this time she’s heading off for a year-long stint as a dancer on a Holland American cruise ship. Born and raised in West Milford, Griffith is experiencing some separation anxiety. “It’s the first time I’m leaving home for a long time. It’s a good nervous, it’s like a new chapter in my life,” she said. “I’m going through different emotions but it’s my dream job.” Griffith attended Westbrook and Macopin schools and West Milford High School for three years. She was home-schooled for her senior year and graduated in 2010. Dancing has always been a part of her and she knows in her soul that she is traveling in the right direction, although some feel she should be going off to college at this time. Since graduating from high school she has attended night classes at Passaic County Community College while keeping up with auditions in what she calls the cut-throat world of dance. “I think education is important but my path is different. Now you can get a degree on-line and there’s even a college for dancers,” Griffith said. She realizes the importance of a back-up plan. Dancing at 3 Griffith started dance lessons at age three. She has been honing her talent at the King Centre for Performing Arts in Wanaque since then and raves about the instruction she received there. She not only learned dance and discipline but was also professionally readied for the auditioning process that is a big part of her life now. “The more I auditioned the more I realized how prepared I was. I wouldn’t trade my childhood for anything and I’m very lucky and thankful that my parents took me there when I didn’t know any better,” she said. Griffith has been exposed to every type of dance, from hip-hop to ballet. Being this versatile has made it possible for her to attend many types of auditions. For the past year, as she was attending night college classes and showing up in the wee hours of the morning for New York City auditions, she realized that she had to keep her head in the game and not get discouraged. “You’re not going to get everything but it’s totally worth it,” she said. “It’s the only thing I’ve wanted to do and I’d do it again in a heartbeat to get this job.” Miss Dance 2008 Her excellent training, and her year as Miss Dance of the United States in 2008, may hold the key to open doors for this young dancer. Conferred by the United States Tournament of Dance, Miss Dance title holders not only serve as role models but they also must choose a charity to work for during their title year. They are given exposure in publicized events, charity benefits, photo shoots and through the media. Griffith chose to raise funds for Danny Gilligan, a West Milford young man who had been stricken with cancer. At a national convention Griffith was delighted to award Gilligan with a check. Selected from the semi-final list of 12 other dancers, Griffith had to go through interviews, take classes, discuss her chosen charity and, of course, dance. She had the opportunity to spend time with Miss America who instructed the girls in vocalization and poise. “The Miss Dance title definitely shows I’m a hard worker. I’ll have to see where it takes me,” she said. Dancing and sailing around the world Griffith said she is like an athlete, getting a surge of endorphins when she performs. She gets a thrill when people enjoy her performance or feel encouraged that they could do likewise. So now this young lady is off to Los Angeles for a month of arduous rehearsals, joining a cast of three dancers and six singers. From there she will board the ship in Bermuda and visit ports from South America to Antarctica. How is mom taking all of this? “Mom is good but she cries a lot. It’s hard because my journey as a dancer has so much to do with her,” Griffith said. “She took a job so I could take classes and I feel I owe her so much. She’s already booked two trips on the ship.” Griffith has set her sights on the future, reaching for one goal at a time. She’d like to be a Rockette some day and perhaps open a dance company that would perform for charities. In the meantime she does enjoy going out dancing with friends. “My friends have some good moves,” she said. Her concern is that she will look like a ballerina in a New Jersey dance club. Griffith has some advice for up-and-coming dancers; go with your gut feelings and remember that you will get out of it what you put into it. Good advice from a young woman who has done her homework and is now off to dance on the high seas.