Ada Erik

| 29 Sep 2011 | 03:20

Age: 56 Residence: 50-year West Milford resident Occupation: farmer, farrier, carpenter, dog and horse breeder, horse trainer, riding instructor, CPR instructor, and author Volunteer/Civic Activities: 4-H leader, West Milford Zoning Board of Adjustment, Recycling Task Force, Cablevision Committee, West Milford Elks, NJ State First Aid Council. Former member of the West Milford Planning Board and Open Space Committee. Hobbies: Organic gardening and writing My name is Ada Erik and I am running for West Milford Town Council because I love this town and I want to help to get it back on track. I’m no Johnny-Come-Lately in my love of West Milford; I’ve been a West Milford resident for over 50 years. By trade I am a farmer, farrier, carpenter, dog and horse breeder, horse trainer, riding instructor, CPR instructor, 4-H leader, an organic gardener, and an author. And although I have never held elected office before, I am no stranger to public service. I am currently a member West Milford’s Zoning Board of Adjustment, Recycling Task Force, Cablevision Committee, and Heritage Committee. I have also served as a member of the West Milford Planning Board and Open Space Committee. In 2002, the West Milford Town Council named me Volunteer of the Year. So, why I am running for town council? Because I feel that West Milford is headed in the wrong direction. Or more clearly, West Milford isn’t headed anywhere in a hurry. Inaction by the town council is grinding our government to a halt. Instead of getting things done by taking a pro-active approach to getting spending under control and cutting costs, our leaders are consumed by infighting. They’re not working together, they have no vision, and their inability to tackle the tough issues is costing us big time. Not only are they raising our taxes; they’re putting us in debt. There is no planning for the future. There is no innovation. As a 4-H leader, I tell the kids, “Don’t play the blame game. Get it done.” We need more people in government who believe that too. If elected, you can count on me to bring that common-sense approach with me to Town Hall and put it to work. I’ve had to limit this to 350 words, so I don’t have enough space to talk about specifics. Next time you see me around town, stop me to talk about the issues. I think you’ll agree that together we can make a difference. Mike Ramaglia Age: 34 Residence: Four-year resident of West Milford; born and raised in New York Family: Married to Heather (Dziuba) for 3 ½ years; one daughter, Gianna, 22 months old Occupation: Chief of Staff, New Jersey Community Development Corporation — a social service agency with an $8 million budget and 140 employees that works to provide economic opportunities for individuals and families. Volunteer/Civic Activities: Thunder in the Highlands volunteer, Creative Playground, Beautification Day, Jungle Habitat clean-up crew, and Autumn Lights. Chairman/founder Passaic County Regular Young Republican Organization, Inc. Active in Passaic County Republican Party since 1996, member Republican County Committee and co-chairman of GOP Strong. I am pleased to run for a seat on the West Milford Town Council. Along with my running mate, current Council President Joe Smolinski, I ask for your support so we can assure that West Milford and Passaic County remain affordable while we hold our elected officials accountable. As a candidate, I offer a long history of involvement in the community and as someone who believes in the core Republican philosophy of smaller government and lower taxes. Building on my own experience and recognizing the need to engage and motivate other young conservatives, I founded the Passaic County Young Republican Organization which is rapidly growing and is now a formidable force in Passaic County. I currently co-chair the GOP Strong activist group which works to ensure that political parties are held responsible and accountable. While I have thoroughly enjoyed my behind-the-scenes role as a leading Republican voice, I can no longer stay out of the arena of elected politics due to the mishandling of issues of concern to most of us and the outright lack of leadership exhibited at the county and state level. I am excited to meet as many of you as possible and take all points of view into consideration in an effort to foster good government. The choices we make this year at the local level will help set the course for addressing county and state agendas. It’s important to take this wider view of leadership because we can do everything perfectly here in West Milford, but the decision-makers in Paterson and Trenton can choose to continue to ignore our concerns and do what they want. By electing me and Joe Smolinski, you’ll not only get a strong voice in town, but we’ll fight for your interests at all levels of government. Keep in mind the key points of my platform: Smaller government and less taxes at all levels of government, hold county and state legislators accountable for their decisions, form a Quality of Life Committee to expand the voice of everyday citizens, fight Newark’s aggressive tax appeals and Trenton’s disregard of financial burden placed upon Water Shed Communities such as West Milford. Joseph Smolinski Residence: 26-year resident of West Milford Family: Married to Bunny, 28 years; daughter Jennifer, 26, son Joey, 19 Education: Attended University of New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickenson University Occupation: Self-employed 33 years Volunteer/Civic Activities: 19-year member West Milford First Aid Squad, West Milford Town Council president, council liaison to Recreation Advisory Committee, council liaison to Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, council liaison to Transportation Committee, council liaison to Community Services and Recreation, former Little League coach, former softball coach and officer, past chairman of the Recreation Advisory Committee, honorary Police Benevolent Association member of local 261. I would like to take a moment to thank the West Milford residents for the honor and for the ability to work for you, as your councilman, for the past three years. My current term expires at the end of 2009 and I would hope to continue serving West Milford for another term. There are numerous issues that face the West Milford taxpayers that are unique and not realized by other New Jersey towns. I am referring to West Milford being a 100 percent preservation area and a Water Shed Community entangled with the burden and lack of financial compensation for being a clean water provider and guardian. Since elected back in 2006 and being a conservative Republican, I have made it my priority to make West Milford affordable and enjoyable. I am proud of my stance against Democratic controlled giants such as Newark, Trenton and at times Passaic County who constantly reach deep into our pockets to a point that it’s chasing residents out of West Milford and even out of our state. Again we are faced, as in 1998, with Newark appealing the small amount of taxes they pay for their land. Considering the revenue and profits that they enjoy from our clean water which they sell, Newark should be paying more and their land value increased. West Milford cannot take a back seat and allow this to happen any longer. Only with full council support can we take on these giants. Compounded with unfunded state mandates increasing annually and state aid decreasing, we need to be fiscally conservative and responsible yet aggressive in the protection of our current ratables. As your councilman, I have exercised a continuing effort to create a budget that controls spending and minimizes any tax increase. West Milford residents have my pledge of readiness to take on the issues that face West Milford. I have established my commitment for the protection of West Milford children with the required background checks legislation for those that are entrusted with their care. As a 19-year member on our first aid squad, I realize the needs and the huge savings that these dedicated fire fighters and ambulance volunteers provide throughout our community. I have constructed the attorney ethics ordinance and made West Milford’s “pay to play” ordinance more restrictive. I am self employed for over 32 years and will continue to be open and available to all West Milford residents. Please allow me the privilege to continue to work for you. Glenn Wenzel Age: 62 Residence: 29 years in West Milford Family: Married to Pat, two grown children, Kelly and Robert; one grandchild Education: BA, Bethany College; JD, Ohio Northern University Occupation: Attorney; retired superior court judge Volunteer/Civic Activities: U.S. Navy Vietnam era veteran, lifetime member Meadowbrook Rifle and Pistol Club, past president and current member of the West Milford Players, emcee for veteran ceremonies, former Pinecliff Lake trustee, former girls’ softball coach, Planninig Board member 1989-1997, Board of Adjustment 1999-2000, West Milford town councilman from 1991-1999, served as mayor from 1995-1997; part of numerous boards and commissions, Friends of Long Pond Ironworks. For such a time as this, I would appreciate the opportunity to be your Republican candidate for the West Milford Council. It would seem that the world has gone mad. In my lifetime I have never seen such irresponsible spending as we have all witnessed by our county, state and national governments. Money is tight, yet spending continues to rise unabated. I would like to have a chance to restore common sense spending in our home town. I have been an attorney for almost 30 years. During those years as a trial lawyer, I served as a county commissioner for land condemnation proceedings, an arbitrator in both Hudson and Passaic counties, and in various other capacities. The last seven years before retirement I served as a Superior Court judge in Passaic County. From 1991 to 1999 I was on the West Milford Township Council. From 1995-1997 I was the township mayor. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve again on the council. It appears to me that our current council would benefit from what can only be gained by experience. I will work hard and maintain the attitude that we simply cannot spend what we do not have. As in the past, I continue to have a strong aversion to bonding. I believe the town should run its finances like I run my home - pay as you go. Creating a “Water Producing Zone” in West Milford is a priority. I do not understand why we are still waiting for its creation. As your elected councilman I will work for you, not for political bosses. I will demonstrate respect when working with all my colleagues, my fellow township employees, and the citizens of West Milford. In closing I would like to express my thanks to you for taking the time to read this article. I would very much appreciate your consideration to be your Republican candidate for town council. Please vote row “A” all the way on Tuesday, June 2.