To the Editor: I found Diana Romero’s letter to the editor both offensive and deceptive. She failed to mention the fact that she is the wife of Democratic Council Candidate Paul Marino, The West Milford Democratic Chairperson and not a resident of Bald Eagle Village. She also failed to mention that when she ran for council back in 2003, she did not attend one of the debates but had her husband Paul Marino read a statement on her behalf. I did not attend the meeting at Bald Eagle Village due to a personal matter. I called an officer of the association to tell them that I would not be able to attend and have already reached out to the association to schedule a one-on-one meeting to address their concerns. Residents know I am available to them 24 hours a day. Just ask the many families that I have helped during my two short years in office. Though I was unable to attend the meeting, I have heard numerous disturbing reports from residents who did attend of alleged statements made by the two Democrats running for council. These residents reported that the Democratic candidates made some very troubling and outrageous remarks about our wonderful recreation department. I believe that these alleged remarks were made in attempt to try and discredit me and to try and undermine the Open Space/ Recreation Referendum, which will appear on the ballot on Election Day. I am asking Democratic Candidates Andy Gargano and Paul Marino to explain to the residents what they said in that public meeting. As for Ms. Romero, I think that the next time she sends in a letter to the editor she should clearly identify who she is and who she supports. By the way, Ms. Romero, I prefer positive action rather than negative words Carmen Scangarello West Milford Councilman