Arson suspected in Watershed fire

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:14

    WEST MILFORD-Arson is suspected in the Tuesday morning fire that gutted a vacant dwelling house on New City Road, just off Route 23 in the southeast corner of the town. Three West Milford fire companies, Nos. 1,2, and 4 respondewd to the 3:24 a.m. call. The structure, part of the Newark Watershed, and owned by the City of Newark, according to fire officials. Fire levelled most of the Newark watershed structure, owned by the City of Newark. Daylight arrived before the fire was completely out and officials could search the remains. Fire Marshal Mike Woch investigated the partially collapsed structure and termed it "suspicious." The blaze was the "third suspicious fire in the area" and Woch asks anyone with information to call 973-728-2840 . "All information will be kept confidential."