Space wins business award
Wantage. Assemblyman Parker Space was recognized as a Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Businesses for his stance on legislative issues.

Assemblyman Parker Space was recently recognized as a Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Business and their New Jersey Leadership Council for his 100 percent voting record in the 2018-19 Legislative Session on important issues effecting small business.
“I am honored for this recognition of my record supporting small business, which is the backbone of our economy not only in Northwest New Jersey but throughout the State,” said Space.
“We need fewer regulations on businesses in order to keep them here as well as to entice others to move to New Jersey; our state is over-regulated. I have proposed legislation to fast track permits; remove barriers to economic growth in the Highlands; to prohibit new regulations on manufacturing facilities for 10 years; and to permanently prohibit COAH fees on new businesses,” Space added.
Space has also received this honor in 2015 and 2017. He and his family operate Space Farms Zoo and Museum and Extreme Pizza in Wantage.
“Assemblyman Space’s 100 percent record truly shows he is a friend of small business and that he understands the unique challenges they face every day,” said Laurie Ehlbeck, NFIB State Director.
Assemblyman Space noted that it is getting harder and harder to operate a small business in New Jersey.
“Assembly Democrats passed 25 bills increasing taxes and fees since Governor Murphy took office in January 2018; Governor Murphy signed 16 of them, increasing or creating 20 taxes and fees at a cost of at least $2.5 billion for taxpayers,” Space noted. “It is no wonder under their leadership that New Jersey now has the worst business tax climate in the country according to the Tax Foundation.”