Trading-card, game store opens
HEWITT. Owner Nicolaus McGarvey plans to hold events, such as trading-card nights, painting classes and Pokemon contests

Business: Progress CCG (Cards, Collectibles & Games)
Owner: Nicolaus McGarvey
Address: 2019 Greenwood Lake Turnpike Unit F, Hewitt, 973-506-4391
Milestone: Grand opening is Tuesday, Oct. 31. Treats, but no tricks, for all who stop by the store.
How did you get involved with the business? I was a lover of all things Pokémon, Star Wars, Marvel etc. as a “youngster.” As an adult, that passion only grew. Progress CCG is all about being able to relive nostalgic moments from my childhood and allowing others to experience that same joy and sense of community.
What is the most stressful time of the day for your business and why? No stress, this store is my happy place.
What is your favorite part of being in the business? Community involvement: I love spending time with other trading card game players and collectors.
Family involvement: My family has encouraged me all along the way ... and brought me lunch when I can’t leave the store.
What is your favorite book, movie, video game, TV show etc. Why? “Star Wars” because the technological advances that Lucasfilm brought to the forefront of the visual effects industry.
What hobbies do you like when you are not working? Video games, streaming, animating and making music.
Who has inspired you most and why? My best friend, who was able to start his own business and still maintain a happy family life.
More: McGarvey says customers should keep an eye on the website, where he will announce events, such as trading-card nights, painting classes and Pokemon contests. They are expected to start in December.