Free rabies clinic

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:40

Is your dog protected? West Milford Township will hold the annual free rabies clinic for dogs only on Saturday, October 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the town DPW Garage, Lycosky Drive, West Milford. The State of New Jersey now recommends that dogs be re-vaccinated every two years rather than the previous three-year requirement. This will ensure that there is no lapse in your pet’s protection against this deadly disease. West Milford Township is in a rabies enzootic area, so it is even more important to make sure that all pets are vaccinated. A current rabies certificate is a pre-requisite for obtaining a dog license. A canvas will be held throughout the Township to determine that dogs residing in our township are vaccinated and licensed. In order to obtain a 2007 license, your dog’s rabies vaccination must be good at least until October 24, 2007. There will be no make-up date. For more information, call 973-728-2849.