JEFFERSON-Jefferson Community Players production of Guys and Dolls will be presented on July 23 and 24 at 8 p.m., July 25 at 2 p.m., and July 30 and 31 at 8 p.m. in the White Rock Elementary School in Jefferson Township. The cast includes Kristina Runne as Sarah, Craig Stevens as Sky Masterson, Brian Vetter as Nathan Detroit, and Mary Fitzpatrick as Miss Adelaide. John Gardner plays Nicely-Nicely, and Louis Casper is Benny Southstreet. Dave McDonald plays the part of Arvide, Sarah's mentor, and Peggy Gardner is General Cartwright. Choreographer Natalie Schultz is busy making dancers out of the gamblers and working with the Hotbox girls. The Hotbox girls, Mission members, and gamblers include many familiar faces from Jefferson Township and surrounding towns. Tickets are $12 each and may be obtained from Nancy Harm (call 973-697-0818) or a cast member. For a brief preview of the show, see the players at the Jefferson Township Day celebration on July 10. The show is directed by Michael Yannuzzi. The production team includes Sheila Rhoades, Lynda Kolvik, Emily Russionello, Bill Walter, Nancy Harm, and Jill Moore. The Jefferson Community Players are a part of the Jefferson Arts Committee, and have presented a summer musical every year since 1989. Call Janet Breckenridge at 973-697-8124.