I just thought of something great to tell you. Going to Sunday school, church, or just going out, you wore knickers; pants that came just below your knees with a buckle to pull them tight so they would blouse out. If you really wanted to impress the girls you would leave one leg unbuckled, usually while wearing argyle socks. We very seldom wore plain socks. Corduroy pants were the rage for work pants and school, or for playing ball marbles. Boy, did we get dirty and muddy in the wet weather kneeling down to play. Just can't understand why Mom would get so mad. Next door to Walt Terhune's service was the big grocery store, Great Eastern. The Manager and general clerk was Renie Cartell who was very short and very stocky. The delivery truck came to the store every Monday. After school a couple of us boys would stop in to help Mr. Cartell put the cases of food in the basement. When we got done our pay was great! As payment we had the pleasure of reaching into the big boxes of loose cookies for a handful of whatever we wanted. Then and now, I still like coconut. It came in a small box, as did olives. Both then sold for about 10 cents each. I would only take one handful of cookies and my choice of either olives or coconut. If it took two nights to take the stock down to the cellar and stock shelves, he would say: "take just a few, your coming back tomorrow," he would not let us work past 8 p.m. I must tell you now of one big form of wild entertainment we did back then. As soon as a tire was too badly worn to use on a car any more, we would convince Mr. Terhune to let us borrow them. We would take flat sticks and run alongside the tires paddling and running as fast as possible. We would have races down the road starting at the ESSO station, then down to the corner of Union Valley and Marshall Hill Roads. Sometimes we would continue down the hill in Pine Cliff and hit the drain pipes, just to see how high they would bounce. now we're leaving the store and going left to the Thorn homestead. This house was a big white dwelling with a porch down the side toward the store and across the front. Not sure why, but I heard the fire company burned it down during the Second World War, that's when West Milford fire company was started after a big fire at the lumber yard. I don't remember who resided in the next home but that's where Harold Geiger, our first doctor in West Milford lived for a short while. Arthur H. Cahill