80 children compete in fishing derby

WEST MILFORD. The township’s Community Services and Recreation Department stocked Bubbling Spring lower lake with more than 200 trout.

| 16 May 2024 | 10:50

Standing on the banks of Bubbling Spring lower lake, young McKenna Sailer confidently and loudly implored her family and other anglers, “Look at me, I’ll teach you how to fish!”.

The fifth annual Kids Trout Fishing Derby on the morning of Saturday, May 11 drew hundreds of children and adults with fishing rods, reels and bait, angling to catch rainbow trout, including prize winners.

Four days earlier, the township’s Community Services and Recreation Department stocked the lake with more than 200 trout, including five golden trout and three trout that were more than 15 inches long.

In addition to fishing, attendees were treated to hot dogs and pizza paid for event sponsors.

Money raised from the registration fee of $15 a child was used to pay for the trout and fishing-themed raffle prizes.

Mayor Michele Dale encouraged participants and served up pizza and hot dogs at the event.

“It’s really great that we brought back this event, in large part thanks to Councilman Kevin Goodsir, who fished here decades ago,” she said. “This used to be one the premier recreational things to do, and we’re thrilled to have it back for our residents.

“We live in a town that has so many lakes and resources. The restoration of this lake by the Department of Public Works and Parks Department, volunteers, and others was a major undertaking and big accomplishment for the community. The pond was all overgrown and an underutilized resource that can now be enjoyed by everyone.”

Recreation director Dan Kochakji said, “We had a wonderful event, great fun and thankfully the weather cooperated. There were 80 kids signed up for the event with parents and grandparents, friends, and family at our beautiful Bubbling Springs Park.

“We’re thankful to our DPW and Parks Department in preparing the lake for the derby as well as our sponsors, Mayor Dale and council for their support in community events like this.

“The park is open to the public, and we welcome everyone to come down to fish and enjoy this beautiful site. We ask that people keep the park clean while having a wonderful time,” he added.