Animal shelter seeks volunteers

WEST MILFORD. Volunteers may have a set schedule or fill in as needed.

| 17 Jul 2024 | 06:04

The West Milford Animal Shelter Society (WMASS) is seeking volunteers for a few hours during mornings, evenings or weekends.

The shelter operates 365 days a year and volunteers may work with cats, dogs or both along with the occasional rabbit and guinea pig.

Volunteers may have a set schedule or fill in as needed. Opportunities for fostering animals at home are also available.

Based on volunteer preference and capabilities, tasks may include dog walking, cleaning of kennels or cages, washing dishes, folding laundry, socializing animals, representing WMASS at community and fundraising events, and helping with facility maintenance.

“The shelter is wholly dependent on our volunteers,” said WMASS vice president Andrea DeSalva. “We welcome people with a few hours to spare who are experienced with caring for animals and those who want to learn - college students and others who may be home for the summer; people with flexible schedules, including work from home; and retirees.

“Volunteering is beneficial for individuals, our animals and our community,” she said. “We encourage anyone who might consider volunteering or fostering to stop by the shelter to see what it’s all about, including our training program.”

Applications for those interested in volunteering or fostering animals are available on the WMASS website and at the shelter on Lycosky Drive (behind the recycling center).

The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekends.

For information, call 973-728-2859.