Bond ordinance for
bridge repairs OK’d
WEST MILFORD. A proposed ordinance would permit licensed cannabis retailers to have a walk-up window for customers.
The Township Council approved a $488,200 bond ordinance to finance improvements of Stowaway Bridge at its meeting Sept. 13.
Council members also approved an ordinance replacing a previous ordinance governing the cannabis transfer tax.
The council introduced proposed ordinances:
• Permitting licensed cannabis retailers to have a walk-up window for customers.
• Amending regulations to permit some exotic animals.
• Setting a salary range for a deputy emergency management coordinator.
• Changing the fees for permits that companies must have to pump out septic systems.
• Updating its regulations on junkyards.
• Clarifying the maximum size and coverage of accessory structures in residential zones.
• Clarifying rules on nonconforming structures.
Public hearings and final votes were scheduled Wednesday, Oct. 4.
Mayor Michele Dale appointed Michael Moscatello to be the township’s fire commissioner, succeeding Edward Steines, who died Aug. 16.
She also appointed Michele Hammell to the library’s board of trustees.
Ariel Valle, general cónsul of El Salvador, thanked West Milford for the donation of a firetruck. “The entire country only has 17 fire stations for 7 million people,” he said.
The donation will allow for a new fire station to open, he added.