The West Milford Organic Community Garden is hosting a kickoff meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 22 at the West Milford Township Library, Rooms 1 & 2.
Whether a novice or a pro, everyone is encouraged to attend. Participants may sign up and have their questions answered there.
There is a $40 fee for an 8-foot-by-8-foot plot; the fee helps cover the cost of tools and other garden essentials. Please bring cash or check.
The program will include an educational talk by Barbara Taylor-Laino of Midsummer Farm in Warwick on the do’s and don’ts of organic gardening.
If you are interested in meeting new people and growing organic vegetables with a friendly, supportive group, please join us at the library, 1470 Union Valley Road.
If you are interested but unable to attend or require information, please contact the garden managers at