Dog Walk benefiting animal shelter is today

HEWITT. The event at Wawayanda State Park will include contests and a dog training demonstration conducted by Canine Cooperative.

| 17 Sep 2023 | 04:20

The West Milford Animal Shelter Society (WMASS) will hold its annual Dog Walk on Sunday, Sept. 17 at Wawayanda State Park in Hewitt.

It was postponed from Sept. 10 because of the weather forecast.

The event, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., will include contests and a dog training demonstration conducted by Canine Cooperative.

Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume, Best Doggie Kisser and Best Dog Trick.

A sponsor-provided big prize raffle is new this year.

Prizes ranging from free dog grooming and kennel boarding to dog-themed gift baskets and veterinarian gift cards will be supplied by Ellie’s Grooming, StoneHill Estates Kennel, TYCO Animal Control Services, thw West Milford Animal Hospital and State Farm insurance agency, which offers pet insurance. Jenti Jewelers is offering a prize of custom jewelry.

WMASS will provide goodie bags for all dogs, water and snacks, and dog treats. Shelter merchandise will be available for purchase.

“Our Dog Walk at Wawayanda is a fun experience for both pups and people,” said Paul Laycox, WMASS president. “As an all-volunteer organization with no personnel costs, WMASS relies on donations to operate the shelter and benefit the animals in its care.

“It’s a terrific opportunity to bring our community together and take-in the park’s beauty,” he added. “Dogs and family enjoy a new environment, make some new friends, gain valuable dog training tips and possibly win some exciting prizes.”

The walk is open to the public for a suggested tax-deductible donation of $10 per dog; people are free.

Tickets are available at the event or in advance at the shelter and from WMASS volunteers.

WMASS is located on Lycosky Drive, West Milford.

For information, call 973-728-2859 or send email to