WEST MILFORD — The West Milford Elks Recently installed their new officers for the 2016 year.
Newly elect Exalted Ruler Tammy Roos is pictured here being inducted by her husband and Past District Deputy and Past Exalted Ruler Gaston Roos.
The 2016 West Milford Elks officers are: back row from left, Treasurer Jeff Dolan, Trustee Mark Noble, Trustee JR Kuka, Chaplin Todd Soltesz, Esquire Mike Bartilucci, Tiler David Townsend, Trustee Vincent Lupo; front row: Esteemed Lecturing Knight Laura Paul, Esteemed Loyal Knight Linda Dolan, Exalted Ruler Tammy Roos, Trustee Peggy Noble, Inner Guard Laura Higgins, Secretary Ilona Pyrich and Trustee Curt Higgins. Esteemed Leading Knight John Mitchell is not pictured.