Enjoy a host of new activities at the West Milford Library
WEST MILFORD. The library has several new events planned for the month of September.

Whether it’s a class on learning a craft, a bit of local history, or a nice relaxing group exercise, the West Milford Township Library has a program for you.
In September, the library will continue its knit and crochet classes, with West Milford resident and volunteer Donna D’elia. This is an informal group that will meet on Monday, September 12, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. No registration required. The group meets in Quiet Study B on the first floor.
If knitting isn’t your thing, the library has a weekly “Coloring Crew,” which meets every Monday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Enjoy coloring, conversation and company with WMTL’s coloring club for adults. No registration required, just drop in to the library boardroom on the second floor.
Are you seeking a less intense, non-strenuous, and quieter form of yoga that focuses on revitalizing the body, relaxing the mind, and reducing stress from within? Join a Gentle Yoga class at the West Milford Township Library with Michelle Brook, a 200-hour registered yoga teacher certified by the American Yoga Academy. The next Gentle Yoga class meets from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21; you can participate in-person or on Zoom. Registration is required for both in-person and live attendance. If interested, register and complete the required waiver form by visiting wmtl.org/events.
Educational opportunities are also planned at the library. On Thursday, September 8th at 6:30 p.m., cat behaviorist Stephen Quandt returns to WMTL with a powerful lecture on man’s best friend. “The Dogs of Chernobyl” is a personal look at the dogs who descended from the pets left behind after the 1986 nuclear disaster, with rare videos and photos taken by Quandt during the spay/neuter and research campaign that he worked on. It is a story of resilience, hope, life, and even heroism. This is a virtual presentation only. Register at wmtl.org/events to receive a Zoom link shortly before the event begins.
If you’re hoping for some live music this September, fear not. West Milford saxophonist Bob Magnuson and company will present a delightful afternoon of American Song Book Classics in their unique jazz styling with bass and piano. Magnuson will also share some stories of his time on Broadway doing the show “Big River” and becoming a sough-after studio musician in the New York jingle scene. Brian Glassman will provide the acoustic bass. Joe Vincent Tranchina will be playing the piano. This program is made possible by the Friends of the West Milford Township Library. The concert will take place on Sunday, September 25th from 1 to 2 p.m. in the lobby on the second floor of the library. Register at wmtl.org/events.
More educational programs are also on the horizon. Join beehive master J.C. Cowell as he introduces you to the world of the honey bee. Cowell will show you that, while they can sting, bees are not as aggressive as you may think. See an actual hive in action and learn about these awesome insects. Don’t worry about potential stings. For everyone’s safety, the bees will be shielded behind a screened bee house. The event will take place Saturday, September 24th at 3 p.m. in Room 6&7 on the second floor of the library. Please register at wmtl.org/events.
As we begin to enter fall, what better way to get in the mood than by hearing a story. Join master storyteller Jonathan Kruk for a solo, dramatic retelling of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” The classic short story presents a decapitated ghost from the American Revolution galloping after a Connecticut Yankee schoolmaster. Written in 1819 by Washington Irving, this gothic-romance went “viral,” bringing the author wealth and fame. Kruk’s solo show offers a bold reimagining of this American classic. Composer Tom McCoy created original music to accent Kruk’s telling. Complete with period melodies, eerie atmospherics, and character motifs. This program is made possible by the Friends of the WMTL. It will be performed on Thursday, September 29th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 6&7 on the second floor. Register at wmtl.org/events.
For question, call the library at 973-728-2820.