Flags for Heroes on display
WEST MILFORD. Annual Rotary Club fundraiser allows residents to honor veterans and others.
| 08 Nov 2023 | 03:16

RF1 West Milford Rotary Club members, from left, Bob Asaro, Karen Sabyan and Gery Threlfall place American flags at Bubbling Springs on Friday, Nov. 3. Also helping with the project were Chris Garcia, Cindy LeMay, Tom Ziegenbalg, Ken Quazza, Brian Murphy and David LeMay. (Photo by Kathy Shwiff)

RF2 The flags are blowing in the breeze Wednesday, Nov. 8. (Photo by Rich Adamonis)

RF3 Each flag has a tag with the name of the person being honored. (Photo by Rich Adamonis)

RF4 Gery Threlfall plants a flag. At left is Cindy LeMay. (Photo by Kathy Shwiff)

Karen Sabyan helps Bob Asaro find the cup in the ground to hold a flag. (Photo by Kathy Shwiff)
Members of the West Milford Rotary Club planted 54 American flags at Bubbling Springs on Friday, Nov. 3 as part of its annual Flags for Heroes campaign.
The flags will remain there through Nov. 27, and more will be added as donations are received.
The club has 100 flags available. This is the fourth year that it has taken part in the fundraiser.
For a $50 contribution, residents may have an American flag with a personal placard included in the display.
Go online to https://www.westmilfordrotary.org/flags-for-heroes to make a donation.
All contributions go to West Milford community charities and non-profits advancing the Rotary Club’s mission to support local community causes and needs.
Veterans Day ceremony Saturday
West Milford will hold a Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 11 at Veterans Park, in front of the municipal building, 1480 Union Valley Road.