Friends of Wallisch Homestead seeking year-end donations as they look ahead to the 2021 season

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Wallisch Homestead.
Although COVID-19 restrictions put a damper on their planned events, the Friends of Wallisch Homestead (FOWH) look forward to a better 2021 season. Planning for the annual Art Show, Barn Sale, Music Festival and other events are already underway.
With a grant from the township’s Open Space funding, a new barn floor was installed this past fall. A flat level floor opens up endless possibilities for many future events.
New entrance signage will soon announce that you have arrived, thanks to a grant from the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council.
Friends of Wallisch Homestead, Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Wallisch Homestead for use by the community for open space, cultural, educational and recreational use.
With the absence of events this past year FOWH has received less in donations and memberships.
Anyone wishing to make a year end donation for 2020, please mail a check to FOWH, P.O. Box 63, West Milford NJ 07480.
Anyone interested in membership please call Sue Lynch 973-728-7898.
Amazon users can assist the FOWH by selecting the Wallisch Homestead as the recipient of Amazon Smile.
Sue Lynch
West Milford