West Milford. The Greenwood Lake Commission canceled its March 25 meeting and will host a 'virtual' meeting on April 1 via conference call, the organization announced.
"To conform with the state mandated regulations and to do our part to promote social distancing and self-quarantine in our community; The Greenwood Lake Commission’s March 25, 2020 meeting has been postponed until Wednesday April 1, 2020 and will be a Teleconference call via Zoom," the announcement said. "Please be advised, there is registration required to attend the meeting. If there are any documents you wish to share with the commission for the meeting, please contact us and make arrangements to drop them off at the office located at 2019 H Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Hewitt, NJ. The psychical location of the meeting will be at the office for commissioners only to attend. There will be future communications with all the information needed to join our meeting."