‘Governor Murphy can stop this ... ask him to keep his promise’

| 05 May 2021 | 07:27

On Saturday, April 24, we had an Earth Week rally opposing the projected fracked gas compressor station targeted for West Milford and expansion of existing one in Wantage.

None of this gas is for New Jersey’s consumption. Our region would take on more unnecessary risk to our health, safety and environment and it would increase methane a potent greenhouse gas.

The West Milford Council has yet to pass a resolution opposing the proposed compressor stations.

Governor Murphy has committed to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. Ask him to keep his promise.

Please contact the West Milford Council to ask them to stand with the residents to ask the governor to stop this project and enact a moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects.

Go to stopthecompressor.org to contact the governor. Governor Murphy can stop this.

Renee Allessio
