Greenwood Lake Lions work to restore village clock

Greenwood Lake. Their hope is to finish the work by Centennial Day, August 17.

| 06 Aug 2024 | 05:02

The village of Greenwood Lake has been a buzz of activity this past year as community members work to put on the best 100th birthday bash possible. Amidst the flurry of reenactments, rocket launches, and festivals, the Greenwood Lake Lions Club has been working hard to restore another piece of recent village history: the village clock, which sits next to the Senior Center on Windermere Ave across from Winstanley Park.

According to Lion Nancy DeAngelo, the clock was originally donated to the village by the Greenwood Lake Lions Club in 1994 in memory of former Lion President Cesar Aguilar. But time has taken its toll, and the 30-year-old device has greatly deteriorated. DeAngelo explained that the cast aluminum clock needed mechanical and exterior fixes.

So far the mechanical work has been completed with the help of Bob Farfalla of Farfalla Clocks in Goshen. What remains is the time-consuming process of stripping the many layers of past coats of primer and paint, and then adding new aluminum primer to protect it from corrosion, along with two coats of special paint for further protection. DeAngelo described it as a “very labor-intensive job.”

“We are still in the very tedious stripping stage and could certainly use some help, professionally and not,” she explained. “Our goal initially was to complete this restoration by the Centennial Day events on August 17 this month, but the weather and slow progression has us in doubt.”

Along with DeAngelo, fellow Lions Doris and Hector Rodriguez and Matt Kafka have been working hard to see this project through, “along with anyone else we have been able to rope in,” but Centennial Day is fast approaching. Anyone looking to help can contact the Greenwood Lake Lions Club at