High school seniors celebrate

WEST MILFORD. Senior Celebration offers a last opportunity for the soon-to-be-graduates to spend time together.

| 19 Jun 2024 | 05:51

West Milford High School seniors enjoyed an evening with fun, music and food Friday, June 14, spending one last time together as the Class of 2024 .

Organized by the high school Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO), Senior Celebration was free to members of the graduating class.

About 150 seniors attended along with parents and juniors who volunteered to help.

The event featured a food and dessert buffet, a DJ, giant inflatables, caricature artists, a henna artist, a Tarot card reader, a photo booth and other activities. It was scheduled to end with a hypnotist show.

“Senior Celebration came about because Project Graduation was no longer,” said Nicole Petrosillo, PTSO president. “We didn’t want the experience to end, so we decided to revive and rejuvenate it to bring it back home to West Milford High School.

“We started coming up with ideas and this is where we landed. For the seniors, the celebration was fun and memorable for one of their last get-togethers as a class.”

Senior Mia Harrison, who will attend Montclair State University to study early education and special education, said, “It’s really fun and nice to get together with people I grew up with to celebrate. It’s sad I won’t be able to see so many of them in the future. I’m excited to see what they go on to do.”

Senior Brayden Treloar said, “It’s amazing being here with all my friends. Knowing it’s the last time to see most of these people outside of graduation, it’s a great memory. It’s all good.”

Juniors Lauren Jakobczuk and Addison Arciniega served as popcorn makers for the senior class.

“It’s kind of sad seeing them leave yet knowing we can help send them off in a nice way,” Jakobczuk said.

Looking ahead, Arciniega said, “This is going to be us next year so we’re happy to be here tonight for them.”

Senior Emilio McDonald, who spent time creating memories with classmates at the photo booth, offered this thought: “High school is like a bouncy castle. You jump and don’t stop jumping until it depletes.”

It’s amazing being here with all my friends. Knowing it’s the last time to see most of these people outside of graduation, it’s a great memory.”
- Brayden Treloar,
West Milford High School senior