WEST MILFORD — Chuck Enering has a big heart. For the fourth year in a row, he’s organized the annual coat drive at West Milford Presbyterian Church, along with Mike Ramaglia and assistance from the West Milford Lions, the Presbyterian Church and JRC Jewelry Repair. He’s been a member of West Milford Lions for eight years. Enering is very civic-minded and knows there are needy families in West Milford. Last year alone, the coat drive distributed more than 850 coats, gloves and scarves.
The holiday collection and distribution didn’t stop there. Over one ton of food was donated as well. A successful toy drive, run by Enering and friends, including Karen Ortalano of JRC Jewelry Repair and the West Milford American Legion and fueled by generous donations from the people of West Milford, gave toys to more than 55 local families and gave away 46 bikes. Over 35 families received complete Christmas dinners, too.
Enering and his wife, Kathi, have two sons, CJ, who lives in Seattle, Washington, and Thomas, who attends Columbia Law School in New York City.
When the boys were young and in Scouting, Chuck and Kathi were both den leaders. Although his sons are grown, Enering has been with the Boy Scouts for 20 years now and presently serves as Presbyterian Church liaison to Troop 44. An active member of the church, he also serves as its youth group director and youth Confirmation coordinator.
“I’ve been involved with kids for a long time…I like what they represent,” said Enering.
He is an adult mentor who believes in raising children with rules and regulations to prepare them for adulthood. He wants to help “bring them up with civic pride and respect” and encourage them to do things for the community.
When asked which volunteer activity he enjoys most, it was tough to choose.
“Basically all of them. I do enjoy the Christmas toy drive; getting toys for kids who need them,” he said.
He’s happy that things like the coat and toy drives benefit local people.
The Lions, along with the West Milford Health Department, also run a health fair. It’s usually on the first Saturday in May and this year it will be on May 7, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hillcrest Community Center. Enering said people can get checked out for all sorts of things for free and the event is open to everyone. There will be doctors, a dentist, a pharmacist and people from the Diabetes Foundation there. Visitors can get screened for blood pressure, cholesterol and more and receive counseling on a number of health issues. Last year 300 people took advantage of the event.
Enering said he’d like the community to realize there are people in West Milford who do need help. “A lot of people don’t think we have poor.”
When you think of all the volunteer work Enering does, you might conclude he’s retired. On the contrary. He is the co-owner, along with Bill Kowalski, of BC Marketing Services, a printing, layout and graphic design firm.
His wife Kathi, also active in the Lions, has high praise for her husband and his volunteer work.
“It is wonderful and he does it out of the goodness of his heart, not to get anything back, just because he likes helping people, especially children,” said Kathi Enering. “One of his strengths is organization and getting people to do things.”
That can be very helpful. Enering himself put it this way: “I do what I do because I like doing it.”
In their free time, the Enerings enjoy reading and hiking outdoors. Before heading out, they might fuel up on Kathi’s delicious blueberry cheese squares. The recipe is here for your delectation.
The Lions club meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Joey's Vito and Michael’s in Hewitt. For information, contact wmlions@yahoo.com.
It is the largest, sight-related, international service organization. On the community level, the club provides free amblyopia eye screenings for pre-school and kindergarten students, eye care for those in need, eyeglass recycling, support to Camp Marcella for blind and sight-impaired youth, high school scholarships, and many other projects to support the community of West Milford.