Interim principal appointed for West Milford High School

| 21 Aug 2014 | 01:39

WEST MILFORD — The West Milford Board of Education appointed Frederick Hessler as interim principal for the high school at its Aug. 19 meeting. The board members conducted interviews for the position in the executive session of their meeting Tuesday night.

Paul Gorski, who has been the high school principal for three years now, stepped down from the position earlier this month, asking for a transfer within the district while dealing with family issues.

Hessler’s appointment was announced to West Milford High School parents and staff via a Honeywell Alert email message from the superintendent on Wednesday.

According to Superintendent of schools James McLaughlin, Hessler “is a veteran high school educator” with 13 years experience as an administrator in the Northern Valley Regional High School, serving nine years as principal. Hessler will begin in his new position within the next few days, McLaughlin said.

Gorski was appointed interim principal of Marshall Hill Elementary School earlier in the meeting effective Aug. 20, 2014 through June 30, 2015, taking the place of Michael McCormick, who is reportedly taking a leave of absence for medical reasons.

Other Administration Changes Approved

Supervisor of Social Studies grades K-12 and part-time supervisor of District Testing, Katherine Brennan was reassigned to a new position as full-time supervisor of District Testing at the June 23 board of education meeting. The part-time supervisor of District Testing position was eliminated.

James Cresbaugh was reassigned from supervisor of Guidance for the high school and middle school, to Brennan’s former position as supervisor of Social Studies grades K-12; but his reassignment was short lived. Cresbaugh’s resignation for retirement as of Sept. 1, 2014 was officially accepted by the board at its July 22 meeting.

Gregory Matlosz was appointed supervisor of Social Studies, grades K-12, beginning Sept. 1, 2014 at the Aug. 19 meeting. He was formerly a social studies teacher at the high school.