WEST MILFORD — On Nov. 3, 2014, Rich and Cookie Gomm said goodbye to Gomm’s Tire, the West Milford business that occupied their time for the last 45 years.
“Now it’s time to smell the roses,” Cookie Gomm said.
While the Gomms are preparing to sniff the flowers and kick back a bit, the new owners of Gomm’s Tire are stepping up and settling in.
James Lindia, 40, and his wife, Molly, took possession of the business on Nov. 2. They’ve had their ribbon cutting ceremony and the Gomms have been diligent in helping them adjust to the business.
James and Molly Lindia have been married for 12 years and the Bridgewater couple has a 10-year-old son. A tire store is a brand new venture for them.
Lindia said he worked in metal fabrication with Union Local #22 for 17 years. When welding no longer held his interest, he started looking around for something new. The Gomms’s store was available and its reputation was a significant factor in his decision to buy the business, but so was the owner.
“Rich alone was a major selling point. He told it like it was," said James Lindia. "He also told me if I treat customers fairly, I’ll make a good living."
What’s available at Gomm's
Gomm’s Tire is more than a tire dealer. They also do general automotive repairs including brakes, oil, lube and filter, ball joints, exhaust and wheel bearing services, among others.
Lindia believes that dealing honestly with people will be his strong suit in building his customer base.
“We won’t try to up-sell you. Here, if you need tires or your alignment is out, we’ll tell you and explain why,” he said.
Are your tires tired?
Lindia had a few suggestions regarding tire safety. Checking the wear line on the tires, the gauge between the treads, can assure you or alert you to the condition of your tires.
“Especially approaching winter. It’s better to be safe than sorry,” he said.
Changing from all-season to snow tires or studded tires to attain better uphill traction on snowy roads, particularly in an area like West Milford, is highly recommended.
Enter and exit
Speaking for the Gomms, Cookie, who has managed the office end of the business, the same position Molly Lindia will now fill, expressed her thoughts on the new owners.
“They are a wonderful young family who want to run the business the same as Rich did. They are trying to do everything the same, the service will remain the same," she said. "I would hope that our past customers will have the same loyalty to Jim and Molly that they had to us.”
With an eye toward the new year, the Gomms hope to be in full retirement mode. Cookie would like to become more involved in the West Milford community and do some volunteer work. Rich will enjoy his new-found leisure time working on their farm, hunting and spending time with friends. Come spring, look for him on the golf course.
“I hope he gets to enjoy many, many years of happy retirement," said Cookie Gomm. "He has worked hard and deserves a wonderful retirement.”
The circle of life; out go the senior citizens, hand in hand, to enjoy their hard-won golden years and in come the new “kids” on block to follow in their footsteps. They’ll keep the name, but make the business their own.