Recycling makes $ and sense

| 10 Jun 2013 | 03:03

Kitchen and bath recyclables
Our kitchens and bathrooms are probably the most heavily used rooms in our homes and they contain many odds-n-ends items you may not think of as recyclable, but absolutely are. The items listed below can be dropped off at the recycling center; those with an asterisk can be put in with your curbside pickup.

Around the kitchen:
Pots and pans

Metal bakeware
Plastic food containers *

Blenders/juicers/popcorn makers/food processors

Coffee makers/grinders
Electric grills/hot plates/waffle makers

Plastic/metal cooking utensils*

Worn out dish towels/pot holders/fabric table cloths (drop off in red textile recycling bin)

Foil trays*
Plastic/glass cutting boards*

In the bathroom:
Hairdryers/curling irons

Nail clippers/tweezers
Digital thermometers (thermometers containing mercury should be dropped off on hazardous waste collection day)

Plastic netting bath puffs*
Deodorant/powder/cosmetic/shampoo/hairspray containers*

Nail polish bottles (empty bottles can go in with commingled, bottles containing nail polish should be dropped off on hazardous waste collection day)

Toilet paper rolls/paper wrappers*

Worn out towels/wash cloths (drop off in red textile recycling bin)

Empty perfume bottles*
Hair clippers

Toothpaste tubes/dental floss containers*

Combs/plastic brushes/hair clips*

A shout out to:
The Passport Café for their outstanding recycling efforts. Keep up the good work!

Did you know:
The United States is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person per year. This means that 5 percent of the worlds population generates 40 percent of the worlds waste.

This column is provided by the West Milford Beautification and Recycling Task Force Committee

The West Milford Recycling Center is located at 30 Lycosky Drive, West Milford. For information, call 973-728-2724.