Ringwood Christian School offering preschool program

| 20 Apr 2016 | 04:08

Ringwood Christian School has announced the grand re-opening of its preschool program.
Students enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year will enter a totally renovated classroom with a beautiful new entrance way designed specifically for their “littlest students.”
Applications for the 2016-2017 year are now being accepted. The school is located at 30 Carletondale Road in Ringwood.
The preschool program offers a rich curriculum focused on kindergarten readiness for four- and five-year-olds in an interactive, hands-on learning environment. Preschoolers enjoy activities in math, language arts, and sensory science. Art, music, creative play, physical education and field trips round out the learning experience. All areas of the curriculum are taught within the circle of God's love.
Outside, preschoolers can run, climb and play on the age-appropriate playground equipment. Parent involvement in various aspects of the preschool is encouraged and welcomed, but not required.
For more information, contact the school office at 973-962-4996.