Some relocated township municipal offices will have a user-friendly location
West Milford. Need to see a representative from the health, zoning, building or engineering departments? Finding their location will soon be easier.

Past and present township officials have recognized the frustration residents have experienced in finding the location of various municipal department offices that are now spread throughout town hall.
They have been dedicated to finding a remedy to the department housing situation but were unable to find the space needed to make changes.
An added problem exists for those who are physically challenged and cannot reach the locations that are not ADA accessible.
The former library building at 179 Cahill Cross Road was vacated when the new library opened and will house the health, zoning, building and engineering departments under one roof with the possibility of including fire prevention if space allows.
Library officials donated the former library building to the township. A decade ago former township council members also visualized such an arrangement.
The Township Council on July 8 approved Resolution 2020-235 to pay Architect Brian Murphy $20,900 for professional architectural services that include preparing a conceptual design to rehabilitate the existing underutilized building.
The resolution authorized Mayor Michele Dale and Township Clerk William Senande to authorize the contract.
Local officials had requested and received the proposal from Murphy whose office is at 179 Cahill Cross Road.
Dale said renovations are expected to allow for social distancing and the municipality’s continuing move into digital record keeping.
The engineering department is now at Lycosky Drive near the Animal Shelter and Recycling Center.
The tax and building departments are in the basement in a building wing that originally was police headquarters when the force was much smaller than it is now.
These departments are presently not ADA accessible and people have to call ahead to enable employees to make accommodations such as meeting them in an area of the building that is ADA accessible.