'Spooktacular' fundraiser a gargantuan success

| 09 Nov 2017 | 02:54

By Patricia Keller
'Spooktacular," a Halloween-themed event held on Oct. 28, raised thousands to help hurricane victims.
It was a collaborative effort between the West Milford High School Student Council and the Macopin Middle School Student Council.
For a mere eight dollars per child for students ages 5 and up (parents and preschoolers attended free) families of all ages enjoyed the Halloween-themed evening of fun that included DJ music, food, prizes, a “Haunted Hallway," more than 40 decorated trunks loaded with candy for trick or treating, and a family movie outdoors at the high school.
According to WMHS Student Council Advisor David Gerold, “We are proud to say we will be donating $4,000 to The Center for Disaster Philanthropy, thanks to the generosity of the people in West Milford. We can estimate that there were between one to two thousand participants at the event throughout the day based on ticket sales which were only for students. Parents and preschool children enjoyed the entire day for free.”
Community event idea becomes charitable eventGerold came up with the idea last year- to host an event which would include the entire West Milford community, including all schools and organizations; and he proposed the Halloween event idea to Arthur Joecks - Student Council advisor at Macopin Middle School. Joecks and the Council have sponsored their “Haunted Hallway” - complete with staff volunteers as zombies, ghosts, ghouls, and monsters inside- at the school’s annual Halloween Activity Night for the past several years. It was a perfect fit for an activity and location to include in the “Spooktacular” evening events.
Gerold said the event became a charity benefit after both Student Councils witnessed the horrible devastation that occurred from the three hurricanes this past summer.
“It wasn’t that long ago that our state was in need of help so we knew that this event had to raise funds for hurricane relief.”
The Trunk or Treat was "incredible,” he added.
Although candy was provided for all by the WMHS Student Council, and the “trunkers” also brought along the majority of their own goodies to give out. Attendees voted for their favorite decorated trunks online using a Q code, and three awards were given at the end of the evening: one for department participants from the school, and two general awards for “Best Trunks.” The winners received trophies and gift cards.
North Jersey Guitar helped out with a sound system for the family feature movie “Monsters, Inc.” Other community vendors made donations as well. “It was truly a charitable event,” Gerold said.
And despite a few hiccups, like long lines at the "Haunted Hallway," the responses have been overwhelmingly positive.
Gerold said organizers hoped “to work with more elementary schools for next year to help them and make this a true community event. West Milford is a very special town and an event such as this is proof of just how wonderful our town and its Schools are.”
The WMHS and Macopin Student Councils wish to thank the following for their assistance, donations, and participation iin the "Spooktacular": ET entertainment LLC with DJ Elvis Torres, North Jersey Guitar & Music Center, Pierce Photography, Stephanie Michelle Creations LLC, WM Police, WM First Aid Squad, Apshawa Volunteer Fire Department Company #1, Apshawa PTO, Maple Road PTO, CASA, Debbie LaRusso provided face painting, WM Lions Club, Macopin Pizza, Tammy Cienki- Wiechert Realty donated candy.
(For more "Spooktacular" photos go online.