State VFW honors Petrosillo

WEST MILFORD. English teacher at West Milford High School is named 2024-25 State Teacher of the Year, Grades 9-12.

| 26 Feb 2025 | 03:34

Nicole Petrosillo, an English teacher at West Milford High School, was named 2024-25 State Teacher of the Year, Grades 9-12, by the Department of New Jersey’s Veterans of Foreign Wars at a ceremony in Toms River on Saturday, Feb. 8.

The award recognizes a high school teacher who not only performs at a higher level in his or her chosen field of education but also celebrates those “teachers who care deeply about America and its children and are concerned about the perpetuation of America’s noblest traditions and highest ideals.”

Petrosillo received a plaque, certificate of recognition and certificate dedicated to the high school as well as a donation to further her endeavors in making sure all her students learn about patriotism and the sacrifices veterans make to safeguard our freedoms.

In her acceptance speech, she mentioned the importance of “ensuring that children today understand their role and their duties in patriotism, democracy and their citizenship in their local community and in a broader scope” and that “students know how crucial and how valuable our military members are, how essential it is to honor our veterans and those serving now, and their lives and their sacrifices and their roles in preserving our American freedoms and our democracy.”

The ceremony was attended by her family, including her father, who served in the Air Force during the Vietnam conflict, and oldest son, who is in the ROTC program at Syracuse University.

Also present were members of West Milford VFW Post 7198, including Commander Rudy Hass, Post Adjutant and Quartermaster John Trojanowski and past post Commander Pat Loughman.

Petrosillo was recognized at a recent Township Council meeting, where Hass presented her with a plaque and small donation to be used for one of her projects dedicated to veterans and students.

The local VFW post also honored student winners in two contests:

• In the Voice of Democracy contest for high school students, Lauren Harmen placed first, Amber Rose O’Connor was second and Rachel Krumpfer was third.

• In the Patriot’s Pen contest for middle school students, Bridget Brennan was first, Alexia Manon was second and Mercedes Amill was third.