Students’ artwork on display
WEST MILFORD. Paintings, drawings and other works of art created by some 41 students from preschool through grade 12 may be seen at the library through March.

Paintings, drawings and other works of art created by some 41 students from preschool through grade 12 are on exhibit in the second-floor gallery at the West Milford Public Library.
The exhibit is on display during February and March, which is Youth Art Month across the nation.
The exhibit opened Saturday, Feb. 8, with an art show, reception and awards ceremony for the students, who were joined by their families, friends and teachers.
“This is the third consecutive year for the program, which has grown in interest and participation,” said Jennifer Monego, a West Milford High School art teacher. “It is a district-wide opportunity to showcase the skills of our art students and what we do in our classes.
“On behalf of our school art teachers and students, I want to thank everyone who came to the event. I also want to thank the West Milford library team for their partnership and participation and encourage our community to take in the exhibit during the next few months.”
Monego noted that high school students taking sculpture, Art 3, Art 2 and Advanced Placement classes also displayed artwork and helped to frame all submissions and install the show as part of their curriculum.
Artwork was curated by high school art teachers Monego, Cindy Gallaugher and Peter Shaver as well as middle school art teacher Lorraine Poat, and elementary school art teachers Chelsea Pires, Jessica Ziegenbalg and Jenna Sokolik.
Sokolik said, “We are thrilled to bring the art of students in the district to the rest of town so everyone can appreciate their artwork. Our young artists have really worked hard and we as teachers develop lesson plans that build their skills, confidence and pride. The students learn to work with all kinds of different media, grow and advance their abilities.”
In addition to the library art show, student artwork will be showcased at the All-District Arts Festival from 6 to 9 p.m. March 27 at West Milford High School. The festival also features choir, band, theater and color guard performances. The event is free and open to the public.
Library director Karyn Gost, who attended the opening along with library board member Sandra Nebel, said, “We are honored to partner with the Art Department again this year to present the Youth Art Month exhibit in the library’s gallery space.
“As a former teen services librarian, it brings me great joy to see such a positive connection between the library and our schools.”
Among the student artists was Jacob Batson of the Marshall Hill preschool who proudly displayed his work, “Melted Snowman.”
“We love that West Milford showcases the artwork of students from all ages and grades,” said his mother, Amanda. “The works are awesome with a variety of styles and combinations.
“Jacob’s work combines markers, clay and gluing. He loves his art class and teachers. As a preschooler, it’s great to see his artwork on display. We love it!”
The student art exhibit is one of several library programs for children and teens.
“An educational and cultural hub, the library supports our community in encouraging young people to be creative and expressive,” Gost said. “While providing unique programming for patrons of all ages, we invite the West Milford community to participate in all that the library has to offer.”