Students, teachers show the 'heart' of Ringwood Christian School

| 14 Jul 2016 | 02:50

The students and teachers of Ringwood Christian School demonstrated the heart of their school during a week-long celebration of “The Heart of Ringwood Christian School.” Throughout the week, a different aspect of the heart of the school was highlighted.
On Monday, the students celebrated a “Heart for Knowing.” The kindergarten through fourth grade students and fifth through eighth grade students formed several multi-grade teams and participated in fun and very challenging academic drills.
The focus on Tuesday was a “Heart of Thanking.” So much of what is accomplished at the school is because of our many volunteers. Each class chose different individuals to thank and the students sent more than 30 “thanks” messages to school volunteers.
A major emphasis of Ringwood Christian School is “a heart of caring” for others and helping those in need. On Wednesday, the students got together and made beautiful cards for the residents of the Wanaque Center in Wanaque.
On Thursday, they demonstrated their “Heart for Sharing” as they filled grocery bags with food donations that were brought to the Ringwood Food Pantry.
The week ended with a focus on a “Heart for Learning.” Throughout the week, the students had been participating in a computer-based math program, “First in Math.”
Dr. Donna Furrey, principal at Ringwood Christian School, recognized the top scoring student in each grade as well as the school’s top scoring student.
Ringwood Christian School students and teachers demonstrated their heart throughout the week and many will be touched by their acts of love and kindness.