Take Five with Dan Dauber

| 11 Jan 2018 | 04:02

Name: Dan Dauber
Age: 17
School/Grade: West Milford High School/ Grade 12
Activity/Club/Sport: Jazz Ensemble
1. How did you get involved with your activity?
Since marching band ended, I wanted to do something else musical that was extracurricular. So I decided to try out for Jazz Band. After my first year, I got bumped up into the Ensemble and have stuck with it throughout high school.
2. Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration to be better are my band directors. They have always been super supportive of me wanting to make music into my career after high school and I really feel like I’m equipped with the tools to pursue it.
3. What would most people be surprised to know about your activity?
We get to participate in the most competitive jazz festivals/competitions around (Berklee, State Jazz Finals, etc).
4. Who is your favorite teacher of all time? Why?
My favorite teacher of all time is Mr. Gramata. I have studied saxophone privately with him throughout high school and have gotten the chance to work closely with him on my individual repertoire and in jazz ensemble. He has always inspired me to be great and apply myself and has instilled a work ethic that will never leave me.
5. Name three things you would bring with you if you were on a deserted island?
A music stand, sheet music, and my saxophone (with all my equipment).
6. Share a favorite moment with your group/club/team.
When EJ came into rehearsal after coming out of the woods walking from Highlander. He accumulated a mass of tics, and so he put them all in a circle while lighting a match in the middle and making them fight.
7. What does being a Highlander mean to you?
It means that I am a part of a great school community with a really awesome music program.
8. What do you do with your time, when you are not doing your activity?
I practice my private repertoire for my college auditions since I’m going to be pursuing music after high school.
9. What is your favorite movie, book or character? Why?
My favorite movie is Spider-man: Homecoming because I’ve always been a fan of Marvel as a kid and it was really cool to see one of my favorite superheroes revamped.
10. Share something no one knows about you.
I have a super secret handshake with Erik Nitkinas. You didn’t hear that from me, though.