They made the ultimate sacrifice

WEST MILFORD. Residents honor those who gave their lives for our country during Memorial Day ceremony.

| 29 May 2024 | 08:30

The threat of inclement weather Monday, May 27 forced West Milford’s 78th annual Memorial Day commemoration - sans parade -indoors to the township Recreation Center.

A standing-room-only crowd composed of military families, veterans and friends was joined by local officials; police, fire and emergency services personnel; high school musicians; and Scouts.

After opening remarks by Rudy Hass, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7198, speakers and participants recognized and remembered those lost in service to a grateful nation.

The event was hosted by VFW Post 7198 and American Legion Post 289.

“We truly appreciate everyone coming out to celebrate Memorial Day in our community,” Hass said. “It was an amazing day despite the weather. We made it work indoors.

“Everyone here remembers the true meaning of Memorial Day, which is to celebrate, honor and pay tribute to all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in all the conflicts and those who protected our way of life.”

The solemn occasion was reinforced by the color guard, remarks by speakers, the audience reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, patriotic songs by Gillian Rasp and veteran John Trojanowski, performances by the West Milford High School band, and a resonating traditional gun salute.

In addition to reading the names of West Milford residents who gave their lives in wars and in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, members of the Police Department presented flower bouquets to Gold Star family member Tonya Butkus and Gold Star Mother Shirley Parrello and her husband, Nino. Butkus’ brother, Jason, and the Parrello’s son Brian were killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In her remarks, Mayor Michele Dale said, “This day stands as a powerful reminder of the countless men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. It is a day to honor their courage, their selflessness and their unwavering commitment to protecting the freedoms we hold dear.

“The sacrifices made by our fallen heroes must never be forgotten. They remind us of the true cost of freedom and the preciousness of the rights and privileges we enjoy today.

“Let us never forget that the freedoms we enjoy today were bought with a price - a price paid by those who we honor on this sacred day.”

Everyone here remembers the true meaning of Memorial Day, which is to celebrate, honor and pay tribute to all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in all the conflicts and those who protected our way of life.”
- Rudy Hass, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7198, West Milford