Town severs ties with PAL

| 21 Jan 2016 | 01:27

The Township of West Milford has severed its relationship with the West Milford PAL (Police Athletic League).

A press release Wednesday night from the mayor and council stated that the township entered into an agreement with the PAL on June 3, 2015 to afford the PAL opportunities to reorganize and operate their programs. That did not happen.

“Unfortunately, PAL has been unable to perform in a manner that complies with the terms of the agreement,” according to the release. “Furthermore, West Milford residents have lodged multiple complaints with the Township regarding the PAL’s ability to effectively run their programs. Therefore, PAL will be placed on notice that the township is terminating the agreement effective April 2, 2016 which will allow them to close out the indoor soccer season.”

Steve Malaguti, president of PAL, said he would meet with his fellow board members to see what the group will do in light of this action. He said he disagrees with the decision, saying the PAL has certainly complied with the terms of the agreement. Malaguti hadn’t been officially notified of the decision when he talked to the Messenger.

The PAL was listed on Wednesday night’s executive session agenda for the council. It was not mentioned in the regular meeting session.

A request to the township
Two weeks ago, a group of about 20 parents came to the council meeting, requesting that the township take over the soccer program from the PAL, with the group’s help. Daniel Trout was the spokesperson for the newly-formed West Milford Recreational Soccer Advisory Board, which had also sent a detailed letter the week prior. This new board is comprised of 27 parents interested in providing a better soccer experience for the kids of the township, according to Trout.

Community Services and Recreation Director Tim Roetman met with representatives from the board in November. He told The Messenger there were challenges with the PAL fall soccer program that required many of the parents to "run the program themselves."

Too little, too late
Last week, Malaguti responded to the article about the request from the new soccer advisory board. He said there were indeed issues with the fall program, citing the fact it was the first program run cooperatively with the township and the PAL since their agreement in the summer. There were kinks, he told The Messenger, but by the time the winter basketball program rolled around, everything was worked out and the program ran flawlessly.

But it appears it was too little, too late.

The township received complaints from parents involved with the PAL ranging from disorganized leadership, poor communication, lack of training for players and a lack of financial transparency in how operating funds are spent on the programs. Now, the township leaders believe they can run the programs better through the Community Services and Recreation Department.

What's next
According to the township, Community Services and Recreation will administer the soccer and basketball programs, relying on volunteers and parents, just as the PAL did.

“Therefore, these recreational opportunities will continue to be available to our residents and their families,” according to the press release. “The township will expand the use of the former PAL building to incorporate new programs, allowing our residents to participate in a wide range of sport activities, both indoor and outdoor.”

Best wishes
The release states that the township’s primary goal is to provide recreational needs for the entire community.

“Ultimately, we have developed a new business model that will improve the quality of the services provided, foster new program growth, improve the learning environment for our children and ensure the longevity of these programs in West Milford,” the statement said. “The mayor and township council wish the PAL organization every success.”

What do you think of this decision by the township council to end its relationship with the PAL? Go to and be part of the conversation.