Warwick’s Bellvale Farms Creamery, named second in top 10 USA ice cream shops by TripAdvisor, is now open for the season.
What may be the most popular business in the Town of Warwick is located just off Route 17A, atop Mt. Peter.
Owned and managed by Tim and Amy Noteboom, it has been an extraordinary popular destination for day-trippers as well as local residents.
However, as a result of restrictions imposed for the corona virus epidemic, there are some changes.
First of all, the new hours are noon to 8 p.m.
And instead of lining up for the indoor counter or seating areas, there are now outside pickup windows.
Customers need to maintain six feet distances and wear face coverings while waiting in line.
But the creamery still offers quarts, cakes, pies, ice cream sandwiches and all regular menu items from the walk up windows.
However, no seating is available but patrons usually manage to find a nearby spot to enjoy the picturesque view of the Warwick Valley.
For additional information visit https://bellvalefarms.com.
- Roger Gavan