Julia Cheski, the leader of Girl Scout Troop 97758 in West Milford, checked in with The Messenger and provided the following update on what the scouts have been up to:
On Oct. 11, Girl Scout Troop 97758 went on a tour of Humor Me Farms, a local Alpaca Farm in Newfoundland, where they went on a scavenger hunt.
They learned about shearing Alpacas, then how to spin their hair into yarn. They also learned how to take care of the Alpacas, along with their likes and dislikes. It was an incredibly fun and cuddly experience.
‘Birthday party supply drive’
In the month of October Girl Scout Troop 97758 celebrated the founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday. We did so by holding a “birthday party supply drive” prior to our monthly meeting. We collected many items such as cake mix, icing, vegetable oil, disposable cake pans, birthday plates, napkins, table covers, candles, balloons, birthday cards, gift bags, party hats and other decorations.
On Oct. 12, the scouts held their monthly meeting and packed 40 gift bags with enough items to have a small birthday party. Thirty birthday party kits so far have been donated: 10 to the West Milford Presbyterian Church Food Pantry, 10 to the UGL Giving Pantry and 10 to Our Lady Queen of Peace Food Pantry. The last 10 kits are ready and will be delivered to St. Joe’s Food Pantry.
This community service project really resonated with our third grade Brownie Scouts. They packed each bag with care to make each birthday party kit special.