West Milford. Three new COVID-19 testing dates at Camp Hope announced

Mobile testing for the COVID-19 virus will be held at Camp Hope, Union Valley Road in West Milford on Dec. 10, Dec. 17 and Dec. 29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The testing is arranged by the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders. It is held weather permitting and dates are subject to change.
To have the saliva test on one of these dates in West Milford participants must be Passaic County residents. They must have identification and bring a phone or tablet for registration.
Health insurance and a prescription are not required.
There is to be no eating or drinking, chewing gum or smoking for 30 minutes before the testing.
According to West Milford Emergency Management reports cases have been increasing in West Milford. As of Dec. 6, a day when there were 36 new local cases reported, the township had had a total of 702 cases and 26 deaths.
The 36 new cases included 16 males and 20 females.
This included five children; 12 people in the 20s range; four in their 30s; 8 in their 49s; four in their 50s; two in their 60s. The oldest person on the on list was 75 years old. There were no other people in this age range or older.
Before this larger number of new cases there were 10 on Dec.6; 17 on Dec. 1; 7 on Nov. 29 ad 9 on Nov. 28. There were 22 new cases on Nov. 24 and 16 on Nov. 25.
- Ann Genader