WEST MILFORD On September 15, Marshall Hill School had a very special ceremony. At this induction ceremony, student council officers and newspaper editors were recognized. Each responsible sixth grade officer got to light a candle. They are: Jamie DesLonde, student council president, Taylor Grado, vice president, Rachel Damelio, sSecretary, Kyle Fusco, treasurer and John Schuchardt, school store manager. Newspaper editors also recognized were Lead Editor Maura Dunlop and Co-Editors Stephanie Shields and Hayley Civil. Representing each fourth, fifth and sixth grade class at Marshall Hill School are the student council representatives. They are: fourth grade, Adiel Brito and Jake Petrane; fifth grade, Sara Bruno, Mark Crevina, Ashley Dondershine, Alyssa Herbaugh, Patrick Kerssen, Taylor Messler, Emily Norton, Vincent Sweigart, Rachel Takach, Michael Uhr, Courtney Waer and Lindsey Welch; sixth grade, Andrew Algeri, Ashlie Devens, Joseph DiPrete, Ryan Darragh, Jennifer Dundon, Alex Hennigan, Jacqueline Leddy, Luke Renzland, Johnalynn Steinheimer and Thomas Wis. (Article and photos submitted by Maura Donlop, editor, Marshall Hill Times.)