The West Milford Elks Lodge #2236 held its installation and dinner last Saturday. Pictured here are the officers of both the lodge and the Ladies Association. In the photo on the right are The Ladies Association officers, front row from left Financial Secretary Tammy Koning, Vice President Denise Hand, President Elaine Monks, Secretary Laura Higgins and Treasurer Bea Iozia. Back row from left are Chaplain Ruth Dransfield, Inner Guard Rosemarie Relyea, and Historian Ruth Adams. The Elks officers are pictured above. Front row from left, Chaplain Barbara Doster; Esteemed Lecturing Knight Faith VanderSnow, Esteemed Lecturing Knight Donna Jean Neill, Exalted Ruler Angelo Silvestri, Esteemed Leading Knight Lehman Mann, Esquire Tammy Williams, and Inner Guard George Wagner. Back row from left Trustee Andrew Sacilo, Trustee Louis Iozia, Trustee Walter Neill, Trustee Joseph Scaparro, Trustee Matthew Hand, Secretary James Todd, and Treasurer William Bryan. The Elks are active participants in the West Milford community, sponsoring scholarships and scout troops, raising money for special children, participating with local school groups such as CASA and DECA, and donating to servicemen and women as well as our four-legged soldiers.