New owner gives Cable Car Deli new look

| 29 Sep 2011 | 01:06

NEWFOUNDLAND — The bright and cheery interior of the Cable Car Deli in the Lakeland Plaza on Rt. 23 South is the result of a face lift that came when the deli changed hands. New owner Sherry Stafford-Loibl and manager Debbie Owen reopened the doors on Feb. 25. A little rearranging, deep cleaning, some beautiful wood exposed and a new ceiling have given the Cable Car Deli a welcoming glow. Vintage pictures of cable and trolley cars dot the walls and the 52” menu screen is often set to morning news for their patrons. They are encouraging people to bring in an 8 X 10 of themselves on a cable or trolley car to add to the ambience. The two women had been told it would take a month to accomplish the changes they wanted, but with hard work and the help of a few good contractors they were up and running in a week. The women plan to dedicate some space to those that helped accomplish the impossible — partly in thanks and partly to let their own patrons know the businesses that performed under pressure. In addition to its former menu, the Cable Car Deli now offers vegetarian dishes, lasagna and a German Linzer Torte dessert taught to Stafford-Loibl by her mother-in-law. The Germanic family background posp up in other dishes, such as the German pot roast with potato dumplings. Stafford-Loibl is a former West Milford resident who now resides in Newfoundland.